Hello peeps! ❄️🎄Apologies for the lack of updates these past few months. I’ve been a bit time starved with other commitments taking precedence.
As we’re in holiday season and approaching the end of the year, I thought it fitting to write about the Solstice.
Both summer and winter solstices are commemorated at Stonehenge here in the UK. Winter solstice (the shortest day and longest night here in the Northern Hemisphere), is a staple celebration since days of old, occurring on the 21st of December when the North Pole is tilted at 23.4 degrees, the sun’s position is directly above the tropic of Capricorn. The winter solstice is celebrated globally across all cultures and religions. It refers to ‘the day the sun stands still’ from the Latin words ‘sol’ and ‘sistere’. The winter solstice occurs when the earth reaches its maximum tilt ‘away’ from the sun.
Six months later in the Southern Hemisphere the South Pole is inclined at 23.4 degrees away from the sun and the sun’s rays are in their most northern position directly above the Tropic of Cancer.

Solstices happen twice a year, the summer one in the Northern Hemisphere and vice versa for the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere being on June 20/21st.
In the astronomical calendar winter officially begins on 21st of December as opposed to the Meteorological calendar winter beginning 3 weeks prior to this on Dec 1st. Here are several winter solstice celebrations for you to check out from different areas of the globe:
- Brighton England – Hosts a burning the clocks festival, which culminates in a beach bonfire.
- Yule – Northern Europe, German and Pagan Festival
- Donghzhi – China
- Saturnalia – Roman Empire
- Toji – Japan
- Shab -E -Yalda – Ancient Persian Festival in Iran and the Middle East
- Soyal – Zuni and Hopi People’s Arizona
Well, that’s it from me for 2024, see you in the New Year!
And Remember,
Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to. — “Bill Vaughan” 1958
Peace and Love,
X Della Marie