I’m forwarding this info on for people living in the South Yorkshire Area.
Wanted! Readers, Writers, Poets, Musicians and Library Users for National Libraries Day Celebration in Sheffield.
Sheffield Central Library – Saturday 4th February, 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
Dear writer, reader, music maker, poet, library lover, this is your chance to show your support for your libraries, to raise awareness and to celebrate them at the same time. You are all invited to come along and join in with this celebration of libraries and, at a time when they are under the greatest of threats, it’s even more important that you shout out and let the world know just how loved libraries are.
It would be great to have you involved in whatever way you would like to join in. Whether you are a member of a writing group or a whole writing group, a musician, a performance poet, an actor, a reading group or, most important of all – a library user, then come along and let the world know – WE LOVE OUR LIBRARIES!
There is an itinerary for the day’s events posted on the Central Library website here: www.sheffield.gov.uk/libraries/readingroom/Nationallibrariesday.html and this already includes live music, a writers workshop, a performance space for poets, tours of the library and a chance to share your memories of libraries on the reminiscence board. You could also write an anonymous ode to the library workers about the great work they do then put it on display for all to see. The whole reading event will be seamlessly glued together by local author/musician/writing tutor, Linda Lee Welch who is the official MC for the day.
To book a reading performance slot (we are looking at slots of 5 minutes initially, this may vary depending on numbers) please email Linda Lee Welch: lindalee@lindaleewelch.co.uk
If you would like to book any other slot or would like further information on the event then please email the event organiser at: librarydaysheffield@gmail.com
Come along and support your library service – the event is open to everyone, you don’t need to be a poet, a writer or a musician, if you have used libraries and you have enjoyed the experience then this event is for you – it is about celebrating libraries and you are all very much a part of that!
Venue: Sheffield Central Library, Surrey Street, Sheffield, S1 1XZ
Rosie – librarydaysheffield@gmail.com / 07981 993 938
Linda Lee Welch: lindalee@lindaleewelch.co.uk / 0114 2345487