I’ve recently moved out of God’s own country to a pretty little village South of the border. A decision not to be taken lightly when you’re born and bred in Yorkshire
A designated craft space was a long time in the planning as hubby and I previously shared a studio space which was less than ideal. No 8″ stair treads to surmount (with cranky knees) umpteen times a day is another plus point. It’s not the going up it’s the getting back down .

I hear the weather’s a little milder down here with less rainfall per year than in northern parts. As I write this we’ve had a few dustings of the white stuff and I’d say it’s been bloody freezing so that’s debatable. Maybe that’s just a getting older thing cos I’m from Sheff and we’re used to ‘proper’ cold weather and two foot o’ snow.
Am slowly getting used to that southern drawl that some of the locals seem to possess, at one point I thought I’d moved to the east end! I felt right at home the other day when I heard a couple of fellow northerner’s, which soon put to rest my Yorkshire cravings. Will keep popping back to SY now and then to (stock up on Henderson’s Relish – lol) see how my pals are fairing when this current lockdown’s lifted. There’s plenty of stuff to get involved in, a thriving community spirit in the surrounding towns and villages, so I’m told; under normal circumstances. Well I may have moved counties but we’re in the digital age, and I need to get on with the programme. The north’s not a million miles away, though deep deep down I know I’ll always be a Yorkshire lass at heart!